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Crucial Factors Impacting Women Entrepreneurship in India


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It goes without saying that entrepreneurship is no longer only for men. There is an evident increase in the number of women stepping into the world of entrepreneurship to follow their passions and fulfil the dream of setting up a business. 

Women today are marking their identity across multiple domains and industries as there are ample business ideas for women. They are reaching the highest pinnacles of their entrepreneurial careers. But achieving this feat is not easy at all, especially with so many challenges.  

Let us understand the factors that lead to the “good days” in women's entrepreneurship.   

Key Factors in the Rise of Women Entrepreneurship in India 

1. Growth of Digital Loan Lenders 

Although women are blessed with entrepreneurial skills and ambitions, it is often more difficult for them to get funding for their businesses. With limited funding options available for women earlier, they couldn’t even think of starting their own business. 

Now, with the increase in the number of digital lending platforms, availing of a business loan for women has become simpler. Unlike earlier times, today women having an entrepreneurial ambition need not look forfinancial support from conventional banks. They can easily get the capital from a digital lender and kick-start their own business.  

Not just for a business but even for the franchises, these digital loan lenders provide financial help at just one click. With ample franchise opportunities in India for women, one can fulfill their dream of being anentrepreneur. 

2. Online Business

Another major factor that has played a huge role in the rise of women entrepreneurs in the country is online businesses. It has given much liberty to women in terms of flexibility, finances, places, etc.  

Online business is a great option for women who are looking forward to work from the comfort of their home and with much flexibility. All they need to do is to design and set up an e-commerce website and sign up for an online marketplace. Here, they get a portal to showcase and demonstrate their products. Online digital platforms and portals have made it quite easier to setup a business right from their home and expand it further as the business grows.  

3. Social Networking Sites to the Rescue

Today, social media for business is no longer an option, rather it’s a necessity. It is an essential way to reach out to your target audiences and customers. It helps in gaining valuable insights, generating leads, increasing sales and growing the brand.  

Just a few years back, marketing was one of the major hurdles faced by women entrepreneurs. But now with the advent of social media, this is not the case anymore.  

Simply with a social media page and with the right content and graphics, a business can reach great heights. In fact, it is safe to say that social media network is the crucial tool of marketing in today’s business. 

Wrap Up 

All in all, NOW is the best time in the history of women's entrepreneurship. So, if you are starting out your entrepreneurial journey, go ahead and don’t let the minor roadblocks come in your way. Instead, leverage key factors to make your business to greater heights.